*Note 2 of my websites have their own bloggers*
BSSMLA Fanlisting Updates News
Lilly's Art- (Online Art Gallery for Margaret (Meg) Tyler's Art) Update News
Tsukiyama-sama (Main Website)
2/1/2009- New websites are coming soon in 2009 so be on a look out for- "Lilly's Naoko Princess Room" (Naoko-hime Secret Room), "Lilly's Hana Yori Dango Live Action Shrine" (coming to the Lilly's Asian Drama Directory), "Lilly's Anime/Manga/Asian Drama Collection Website" and "Lilly's Cosplay Gallery".
Lilly's Asian Drama Directory
2/1/2009- New shrines coming in 2009-"Lilly's Naoko Princess Room" (Naoko-hime Secret Room) , "Lilly's Hana Yori Dango Live Action Shrine" and Moonlight Justice: A guide to the Sailor Moon Musicals known as "SeraMyu".
Be on the look out for this new section at the directory!
These Shrines listed below are in the planning stages and hope to be add to Lilly's Asian Drama Shrines Directory in the near future!
Lilly's Mars Shrine
Lilly's Peach Girl Shrine
Lilly's Devil Beside You Shrine
Lilly's The Hospital Shrine
Tsuki Mubi: A Pretty Guardian Video Collection
2/1/2009- Listed below are just a few things that are coming to Tsuki Mubi.
*PGSM Reviewers section is open and ready for any reviewers that like to take a hand of reviewing any PGSM music videos! If anyone is interest in being a reviewer please check out the page then contact me at lilly.peacecraft@gmail.com with "Tsuki Mubi" Helper" and state in the message you like to help out.
*Check Links and Affiliates URLs
See you all in April 2009 (I will post more information about the next years contest closer to April 2009).
Burning Prince- Vegeta Sanctuary Fansite and Fanlisting
http://vsanc.tsukiyama-sama.net/ I'm working on setting up a new section for the directory that you all can join and have your asian related websites listed on. This section is in its working stages. I'll let you all know more about the process in the matter of months.
These Shrines listed below are in the planning stages and hope to be add to Lilly's Asian Drama Shrines Directory in the near future!
Lilly's Mars Shrine
Lilly's Peach Girl Shrine
Lilly's Devil Beside You Shrine
Lilly's The Hospital Shrine
Tsuki Mubi: A Pretty Guardian Video Collection
2/1/2009- Listed below are just a few things that are coming to Tsuki Mubi.
*PGSM Reviewers section is open and ready for any reviewers that like to take a hand of reviewing any PGSM music videos! If anyone is interest in being a reviewer please check out the page then contact me at lilly.peacecraft@gmail.com with "Tsuki Mubi" Helper" and state in the message you like to help out.
*Check Links and Affiliates URLs
See you all in April 2009 (I will post more information about the next years contest closer to April 2009).
Burning Prince- Vegeta Sanctuary Fansite and Fanlisting
2/1/2009- I'm planning on setting up another gallery, because I have a hugh folder of screencaps/tons of images and other pictures of Vegeta that I've been planning to put up here on Vegeta Sanctuary. Stay Tune for future updates on details about this gallery!
*Revamp/Do a major update about the Live Action Movie- Dragonball ^_^ (Information currently up needs to be fixed since the movie has an official website and the trailers are being shown!)
*Double check URL Links on Links page and Affiliates page.
Lilly's Fanlisting Collective
2/1/2009- Still working on adding all the joined fanlistings that I'm a member of on my script program- Enthusiast 3 . Owners of fanlistings that I'm a member to, happen to be doing checking URLs and notice that I do not have you linked please email me. When I was transfering everyone over to Enthusiast 3 there were alot of fanlistings that didn't transfered over and some that I was a member off closed/link doesn't work.
*Check Affiliates/Links Out page
New Owned Fanlistings Updates!
Yoake no katana (Sword of Dawn)... A Takezo Kensei/Adam Monroe Fanlisting
Link- http://lillysfanlisting.tsukiyama-sama.net/kensei/
Lightning Baron- Milliardo Peacecraft/Zechs Merqusie Fansite and Fanlisting
2/1//2009- Move site back under Lilly's Fanlisting Collective. *http://lillysfanlisting.tsukiyama-sama.net/milliardofan
*Finish creating new folders so that I can move everything to their rightful place. Once down- the linking to the pages will look at better.
*Check URLs links on the links page and affiliates page.
*Added new Milliado Cosplayers pictures/Revamp gallery to view by either cosplayer or convention
Member's List
*Still having problems with spamer joining the member's list. Need to find a script that can provide spamer joining so real fans can join only!
"There has not been any new members since November 27th due to spam entries. I will be contincing to delete all spam entries. So please if you want to join please put a real name (first) or nickname and real email address and if you have a website please give me a workable website link and make sure you have either a text link or one of the codes linking back to the fanlisting. Thanks so much!"
Explore- Jerry Yen's Fanlisting
2/1/2009- Explore- Jerry Yen's Fansite and Fanlisting is turning 1 years old on February 10th! ^_^ And I planed to have a hugh update in store for it!
*More infromation on the works page.
*More infromation on the where to buy products page.
Member's List
*Still having problems with spamer joining the member's list. Need to find a script that can provide spamer joining so real fans can join only!
"There has not been any new members since November 27th due to spam entries. I will be contincing to delete all spam entries. So please if you want to join please put a real name (first) or nickname and real email address and if you have a website please give me a workable website link and make sure you have either a text link or one of the codes linking back to the fanlisting. Thanks so much!"
Brian Drummond's Fanlisting
2/1/2009- Working on more information regarding on Brian's Works page^.^ So be on the look out for more details.
Yoake no katana (Sword of Dawn)... A Takezo Kensei/Adam Monroe fanlisting
2/1/2009- A little late of returning to update, but I'm here! Updated the Where to buy Kensei/Adam products?- with one new product, Links Out- added 7 new related Heroes Fanlistings Links, Affiliates(Welcome all new Afilliates ^_^), Graphics- added one new graphic, Codes- 88x31 and more 200x40 and Links In- 88x31 and more 200x40! Wow a big update! Hope you enjoy it!
What's Coming up next for the site?
the Mini galleries on About Actor and About Kensei/Adam pages
Add some more link exchange program codes and a site status code
Art for the FanArt page
FanFics to the FanFics page
more graphics to the Graphic's Gallery
That's it for now! More updates on there way for each website!
thanks as always!
PS: Please feel free to post replies/feedback on how you like my blogger!
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